What To Bring
Casual Clothing: One week's worth. Typically shorts, jeans, t-shirts, sweats.
Church Clothing: Does not have to be dressy. Jeans, khakis, button-down, polos.
Toiletries/Personal Hygiene: Shampoo, body wash or soap, razors, shaving cream, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant (NO PRODUCTS WITH ALCOHOL)
Bedding: Bed sheets for a twin size bed, comforter, pillow, sound machine.
Miscellaneous items:
Bath Towels​
Notebook, Envelopes, stamps
Laundry Detergent
Prescription Medications (Medication policy provided upon request)
We provide plenty on snacks and drinks. If you have a preference, please bring one weeks worth. Store purchases will be available once a week.
MP3 players- must be music player only. Absolutely no wifi enabled devices allowed.
What Not To Bring
Cell Phones are not allowed on property. Cell phone violations are taken very seriously. Residents caught with a phone on the property will be dismissed immediately.
No Vaping products are allowed.
No knives or weapons of any kind.
No items in aerosal cans
No Electronic Devices: Laptops, iPads, Smart watches, Gaming devices, anything that is wifi compatible.